1st birthday party sayings

1. "Turning one is so much fun!"

2. "One year old and already so bold!"

3. "A year of firsts, a lifetime of love."

4. "Our little one is turning one!"

5. "One year down, a lifetime to go!"

6. "Cheers to one year of joy and laughter!"

7. "Happy 1st birthday to our little star!"

8. "One candle, one wish, one special day!"

9. "One year of blessings, one year of love."

10. "Our baby is one, how time has flown!"

Above is 1st birthday party sayings.

Military short timer sayings

1. Counting down the days.2. Almost out of the gate.3. Eyes on the prize.4. Freedom is just around the corner.5. The end is in sight.6. On the home stretch.7. Almost a civilian.8. Time to punch out.9. Just a few more drills to go.10. The countdown is on.

Super cute love quotes and sayings

1. You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars. - E.E. Cummings2. I have found the one whom my soul loves. - Song of Solomon 3:43. You are the best thing that's ever been mine. - Taylor Swift4. I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow. - Unknown5. In a sea of people, my eyes

Greed quotes and sayings

1. Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. - Erich Fromm2. Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough. - Janwillem van de Wetering3. Greed is a curse that makes a man b

Orphic sayings or

1. Know thyself.2. Everything in moderation.3. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.4. Change is the only constant.5. As above, so below.6. The soul is immortal.7. Seek the truth within yourself.8. Harmony is the key to a balanced life.9. The universe is in a constant

Happy 18th birthday sayings

1. Welcome to adulthood! May this year be filled with new adventures and exciting opportunities.2. You're officially an adult now! Wishing you a year of growth, success, and happiness.3. Happy 18th birthday! May this milestone year be the beginning of a bright and promising future.4. Congratu

Clever 2021 sayings

1. New year, same me, but with a fresh perspective.2. 2021: A year to thrive, not just survive.3. In 2021, let's make memories that last longer than our resolutions.4. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door in 2021.5. This year

Anti vax crazy sayings

1. Vaccines are a government conspiracy to control our minds.2. Natural immunity is better than artificial immunity from vaccines.3. Vaccines cause more harm than good, leading to autism and other disorders.4. Big Pharma is pushing vaccines for profit, not for public health.5. Vaccine ingre

Air craft controller funny sayings

1. I'm not a pilot, but I play one on the radio.2. I'm the captain of this airspace, buckle up and enjoy the ride.3. I've got 99 problems, but a glitch ain't one.4. I'm the air traffic controller, not the air traffic magician.5. I'm the voice in the sky, here to make sure you don't crash an

Clever tumblr sayings

1. In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic.2. Be a voice, not an echo.3. Life is short, buy the shoes.4. Do small things with great love.5. Happiness is homemade.6. Stay wild, moon child.7. She believed she could, so she did.8. Kindness is always fashionable.9. Create

Megatron sayings

1. Peace through tyranny.2. I am the true leader of the Decepticons.3. You cannot defeat me, Autobot scum!4. I will crush anyone who stands in my way.5. I will rule the universe with an iron fist.6. Fear me, for I am Megatron, the mighty Decepticon leader.7. There is no room for weaknes