2017 sayings urban dictionary

Here are some popular sayings from 2017 according to Urban Dictionary:

1. "Lit" - used to describe something that is exciting or excellent.

2. "Savage" - used to describe someone who is tough, ruthless, or fearless.

3. "Fam" - short for family, used to refer to close friends or a group of people.

4. "Gucci" - used to mean good, cool, or fine.

5. "Slay" - used to describe someone who is doing exceptionally well or looking fabulous.

6. "Woke" - used to describe someone who is socially aware or enlightened.

7. "Squad goals" - used to describe a group of friends who are aspirational or admirable.

8. "Bae" - a term of endearment for a significant other or loved one.

9. "On fleek" - used to describe something that is on point or perfectly done.

10. "Throwing shade" - subtly insulting or criticizing someone.

Above is 2017 sayings urban dictionary.

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