2021 covid sayings

1. "In this together, apart."

2. "Mask up, stay safe."

3. "Social distance, physical connection."

4. "Pandemic precautions for a better tomorrow."

5. "Spread love, not germs."

6. "Stay home, save lives."

7. "Flatten the curve, save lives."

8. "Mask on, worries off."

9. "Quarantine and chill."

10. "Together apart, stronger as one."

Above is 2021 covid sayings.

Sayings about ungratefulness

1. Gratitude is the memory of the heart. - Jean Baptiste Massieu2. Ingratitude is the essence of vileness. - Immanuel Kant3. A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. - Unknown4. Ungrateful people forget what they are not grateful for. - Unknown5. Gratitude is not only the greatest of virt

Max mayfield sayings

1. Sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to be near them.2. You can't control everything. Sometimes you just need to let go and see what happens.3. Being brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you go on even when you're scared.4. Trust your instincts. They usually know what'

Blue light quotes sayings

1. Blue light is the most beautiful light there is. - Georgia O'Keeffe2. In the blue light of the early morning, anything seems possible. - Unknown3. Blue light is like a gentle whisper from the universe, calming and soothing. - Unknown4. The blue light of dawn brings a sense of renewal and h

Zen sayings crossword

Here is a crossword puzzle based on Zen sayings:1. Across: Empty your ___ to be filled; fill your cup to be emptied.2. Down: The obstacle is the ___.3. Across: Let go or be dragged.4. Down: In the beginner's mind there are many ___; in the expert's mind there are few.5. Across: When you rea

Buddhist sayings about child birth

1. A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet unstained. - Unknown2. The birth of a child is a moment of profound joy and wonder, a reminder of the preciousness of life and the interconnectedness of all beings. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Love sayings for her with less than 40 characters

You are my sunshine.

Cute valentine sayings in spanish

1. Eres mi amor eterno (You are my eternal love)2. Eres mi media naranja (You are my other half)3. Eres mi razón de sonreír (You are my reason to smile)4. Eres mi corazón latiendo (You are my beating heart)5. Eres mi mundo entero (You are my whole world)6. Eres mi sueño hecho realidad (You are my dr

Facial quotes and sayings

1. Your face is a reflection of your inner beauty.2. A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear. - Marilyn Monroe3. Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been. - Mark Twain4. Beauty is power; a smile is its sword. - John Ray5. Your face is a canvas, express yourself with i

Kindergarten graduation sayings

1. Dream big, little one. The world is yours to explore.2. Congratulations, you're off to great places!3. Today is your day, you're off to great places, you're off and away!4. You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.5. The tassel was worth the hass

2019 kindergarten grad sayings

1. Kindergarten rocked, now off to first grade!2. Watch out world, here I come!3. Kindergarten graduate, ready for the next adventure!4. From ABCs to 123s, I'm ready for anything!5. Kindergarten complete, bring on the challenges!6. I may be small, but I've got big dreams!7. Goodbye kind