25 sayings jesus was not god

1. Jesus never claimed to be God in the Bible.

2. Jesus referred to God as a separate entity from himself.

3. Jesus prayed to God, indicating a distinction between them.

4. Jesus acknowledged his limitations and dependence on God.

5. Jesus said that the Father was greater than him.

6. Jesus displayed human characteristics and emotions, which are not attributes of God.

7. Jesus was born, grew, and died, which are not characteristics of an eternal God.

8. Jesus was tempted by Satan, which would not be possible for an all-powerful God.

9. Jesus performed miracles through the power of God, not his own inherent divinity.

10. Jesus emphasized the importance of worshiping God alone.

11. Jesus referred to himself as the Son of God, not God himself.

12. Jesus said that he was sent by God, indicating a subordinate relationship.

13. Jesus said that he could do nothing on his own, but only what he saw the Father doing.

14. Jesus referred to God as his Father, highlighting a familial relationship rather than a singular divine entity.

15. Jesus referred to himself as the "Son of Man," emphasizing his humanity.

16. Jesus was subject to suffering and death, which are not attributes of an all-powerful God.

17. Jesus asked God to forgive those who crucified him, showing a sense of forgiveness and mercy that is not typically associated with a deity.

18. Jesus expressed doubt and anguish in the face of his impending crucifixion, indicating a human vulnerability.

19. Jesus was born of a woman, which implies a human nature rather than a divine one.

20. Jesus was referred to as a prophet by his followers, not as God incarnate.

21. Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God, emphasizing the sovereignty of God rather than his own divinity.

22. Jesus said that he was doing the will of the Father, not his own will.

23. Jesus said that the Father had given him authority, indicating a delegation of power rather than inherent divinity.

24. Jesus referred to God as the only true God, distinguishing him from himself.

25. Jesus' teachings focused on love, compassion, and humility, rather than asserting his own divine status.

Above is 25 sayings jesus was not god.

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