31 bday sayings

1. "Another year older, another reason to celebrate!"

2. "Aging like fine wine, getting better with time."

3. "Cheers to another year of wisdom and growth."

4. "Here's to another trip around the sun!"

5. "Age is just a number, but wisdom is timeless."

6. "May your birthday be as fabulous as you are!"

7. "Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and joy."

8. "Celebrate the amazing person you are today and always."

9. "Embrace the journey ahead with open arms and a grateful heart."

10. "You're not getting older, you're getting more experienced."

11. "May this year be your best one yet!"

12. "Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you."

13. "You're not just a year older, you're a year wiser."

14. "Another year, another reason to be grateful for all the blessings in your life."

15. "May your birthday be the start of a year filled with good luck, good health, and much happiness."

16. "You're a shining example of how to live life to the fullest. Happy birthday!"

17. "Age is a matter of feeling, not of years."

18. "Celebrate the amazing person you are and the wonderful journey you've had so far."

19. "You're not just a year older, you're a year better."

20. "May your birthday be the start of a year filled with good luck, good health, and much happiness."

21. "Another year, another reason to be grateful for all the blessings in your life."

22. "Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and joy."

23. "Embrace the journey ahead with open arms and a grateful heart."

24. "You're not getting older, you're getting more experienced."

25. "Celebrate the amazing person you are today and always."

26. "Age is just a number, but wisdom is timeless."

27. "Aging like fine wine, getting better with time."

28. "Another year older, another reason to celebrate!"

29. "Cheers to another year of wisdom and growth."

30. "Here's to another trip around the sun!"

31. "May your birthday be as fabulous as you are!"

Above is 31 bday sayings.

Book with sayings to sign for autograph

Words of Wisdom: A Collection of Inspirational Sayings for Autographs

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