4 year old sayings

1. "I love you to the moon and back!"

2. "I want to be a superhero when I grow up!"

3. "Can we have ice cream for dinner?"

4. "I have a secret hiding spot for my toys!"

5. "I want to stay up all night and never go to bed!"

6. "I can do it by myself, I'm a big kid now!"

7. "Let's have a dance party in the living room!"

8. "I want to be a princess/prince when I grow up!"

9. "Why is the sky blue?"

10. "I have a boo-boo, can you kiss it better?"

Above is 4 year old sayings.

Baby sayings for baby shower

1. A baby is a little bit of heaven sent down to earth.2. Babies are a gift from above, filling our hearts with endless love.3. Tiny hands and tiny feet, a baby makes our lives complete.4. Babies are the sweetest blessings, filling our days with joy and happiness.5. A baby is a miracle in t

70th birthday cake sayings

1. 70 and fabulous!2. Aged to perfection at 70!3. Cheers to 70 years!4. 70 years young!5. Still rocking at 70!6. 70 and thriving!7. Life begins at 70!8. 70 years of love and laughter!9. 70 years of wisdom and grace!10. Celebrating 70 years of blessings!

Old newfoundland sayings

1. Stay where you're to till I comes where you're at. - Meaning, stay put until I come to you.2. The more you talks, the less you knows. - Implying that talking too much can reveal ignorance.3. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. - Suggesting that it's difficult to change someone's habits o

Hunting sayings for babies

1. Born to hunt, forced to nap.2. Daddy's little hunting buddy.3. Camo cutie in training.4. Future hunter in the making.5. Hunting is in my blood.6. Mommy's little hunting princess.7. Raised on camo and deer calls.8. Tiny hunter, big dreams.9. Hunting with mommy and daddy.10. From

Gnome child quotes sayings

1. I may be small, but my dreams are big.2. I may be tiny, but my heart is mighty.3. Don't underestimate me just because I'm small.4. Being small doesn't mean I can't make a big impact.5. I may be a gnome child, but I have a lot of wisdom to share.6. Size doesn't matter when it comes to c

Sound check sayings

1. Check, check, one, two, one, two.2. Testing, testing, can you hear me?3. Mic check, mic check, testing, one, two, three.4. Is this thing on?5. Testing the sound levels, can you hear me clearly?6. Checking the audio, let me know if you can hear me.7. Sound check, sound check, testing

Almost heaven west virgina sayings

Almost Heaven, West Virginia is a line from the song Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver, which has become a popular saying associated with the state of West Virginia. Some other sayings or phrases that are commonly associated with West Virginia include:1. Wild and Wonderful West Virgini

Sayings a out kinga

1. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.2. Kings may be judges of the earth, but wise men are the judges of kings.3. A king is one who fears nothing, not even death.4. The crown is heavy, but the duty is heavier.5. A king is not born, but made through his actions.6. The strength of a k

Chinese new year sayings elderly

Here are some traditional Chinese New Year sayings that are commonly used by the elderly:1. 恭喜发财 (gōng xǐ fā cái) - Wishing you prosperity2. 身体健康 (shēn tǐ jiàn kāng) - Wishing you good health3. 心想事成 (xīn xiǎng shì chéng) - May all your wishes come true4. 年年有余 (nián nián yǒu yú) - May you have abunda

Champagne birthday sayings

1. Aged to perfection, just like fine champagne. Happy birthday!2. Pop, fizz, clink - it's time to celebrate your special day with champagne!3. May your birthday be as bubbly and bright as a glass of champagne.4. Here's to another year of sparkling moments and joy. Cheers to you on your birth