40k imperial sayings

1. "The Emperor protects."

2. "For the Emperor!"

3. "In the Emperor's name!"

4. "The Emperor's will be done."

5. "Only in death does duty end."

6. "Faith is our shield."

7. "Blessed is the mind too small for doubt."

8. "Victory is the only option."

9. "The Emperor's light shines upon us all."

10. "A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy."

11. "Purge the heretic, kill the mutant, burn the traitor."

12. "Strength through unity, unity through faith."

13. "In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war."

14. "Better to die for the Emperor than live for yourself."

15. "The Emperor's justice is swift and final."

16. "The Emperor's mercy is a sign of weakness."

17. "The Emperor's wrath is a terrible thing to behold."

18. "A moment of hesitation can mean death."

19. "To doubt is to invite damnation."

20. "In the service of the Emperor, there is no room for failure."

Above is 40k imperial sayings.

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