40k sergeant sayings

1. "For the Emperor and Sanguinius!"

2. "Death to the heretics!"

3. "In the Emperor's name, we shall prevail!"

4. "No mercy for the xenos scum!"

5. "Ave Imperator, brothers!"

6. "Blood for the Blood God!"

7. "Purge the unclean!"

8. "By the Emperor's will, we shall triumph!"

9. "For the glory of the Imperium!"

10. "We are the Emperor's chosen warriors!"

11. "In the name of the Emperor, we shall cleanse this world!"

12. "Victory is our only option!"

13. "Bolter and chainsword, brothers!"

14. "We are the Emperor's wrath incarnate!"

15. "For the Emperor and Terra!"

16. "No fear, no hesitation, only duty!"

17. "In death, sacrifice. In life, victory!"

18. "Emperor guide our aim!"

19. "We are the Emperor's sword!"

20. "We fight not for ourselves, but for the Imperium!"

Above is 40k sergeant sayings.

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Cool sayings meme

Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.

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