40th birthday party favor sayings

1. "Cheers to 40 years!"

2. "Life begins at 40!"

3. "Forty and fabulous!"

4. "Aged to perfection at 40!"

5. "Still fabulous at 40!"

6. "40 and thriving!"

7. "Sip, sip, hooray! 40 today!"

8. "40 and fabulous, just like fine wine!"

9. "Life is sweet at 40!"

10. "40 and loving it!"

11. "Cheers to 40 more years!"

12. "40 and fabulous, just like you!"

13. "40 and still sparkling!"

14. "40 and fabulous, just getting started!"

15. "The best is yet to come at 40!"

Above is 40th birthday party favor sayings.

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Happy 40th birthday caketh bday sayings

1. Life begins at 40! Happy Birthday!2. 40 and fabulous! Cheers to you!3. Wishing you a fantastic 40th birthday filled with joy and laughter.4. 40 is the new 30! Celebrate in style.5. Here's to 40 years of awesomeness! Happy Birthday!6. May your 40s be even more amazing than your 30s. Hap

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1. The dragonfly brings dreams to reality and is the messenger of wisdom and enlightenment. 2. Just as the dragonfly dances on the breeze, may you dance through life with grace and ease. 3. Embrace change like the dragonfly embraces the wind, with grace and agility. 4. The dragonfly teaches u