4th quarter football sayings

1. "It's crunch time in the 4th quarter!"

2. "This is where champions are made!"

3. "The game is on the line, who will step up?"

4. "Every play counts in the final quarter!"

5. "The pressure is on, who will deliver?"

6. "It's do or die in the 4th quarter!"

7. "The clock is ticking, time to make a move!"

8. "This is where legends are born!"

9. "The 4th quarter is where heroes shine!"

10. "Leave it all on the field in the final quarter!"

Above is 4th quarter football sayings.

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Easy maltese sayings

1. Il-ħajja hija ħela (Life is beautiful)2. L-għajnuna ta' Alla tinsab fil-ħajja ta' kuljum (God's help is found in everyday life)3. Il-ħajja hija bħala darbtejn (Life is like a double-edged sword)4. Il-ħajja tista' tkun faċli jew diffiċli, imma dejjem għandek tibqa' qawwi (Life can be easy

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Poor richard's almanack sayings

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