70 birthday cake sayings

1. "70 and fabulous!"

2. "Aged to perfection at 70!"

3. "Cheers to 70 years!"

4. "70 and still going strong!"

5. "Life begins at 70!"

6. "Seventy and sensational!"

7. "70 years young!"

8. "70 is the new 50!"

9. "Still rocking at 70!"

10. "70 years of love, laughter, and memories!"

11. "Celebrating 70 years of wisdom and grace!"

12. "70 candles, 1 wish - happiness!"

13. "70 and thriving!"

14. "70 years of blessings and joy!"

15. "Age is just a number, but 70 looks good on you!"

16. "70 years of making the world brighter!"

17. "70 years of making memories!"

18. "70 and fabulous, just like fine wine!"

19. "70 years of love, laughter, and happiness!"

20. "70 and still shining bright!"

Above is 70 birthday cake sayings.

Hebrew birthday sayings

1. יום הולדת שמח! (Yom Huledet Sameach) - Happy Birthday!2. מאה שנה תחיה! (Me'ah Shanah Tichyeh) - May you live to be 100 years!3. כל הברכות ביום הולדתך! (Kol Ha'brachot Be'yom Huledetech) - All the blessings on your birthday!4. שנה טובה ומתוקה כדבש! (Shanah Tovah U'metukah Ke'dvash) - A goo

Hieroglyphic sayings

1. The pen is mightier than the sword - Depicted with a quill pen and a sword crossed over each other.2. Actions speak louder than words - Shown with a person performing a task and another person talking.3. A picture is worth a thousand words - Illustrated with a detailed drawing or painting.4

Funny surprise quotes and sayings

1. Life is full of surprises, but some of them are just downright hilarious.2. Surprise! I wasn't expecting to have this much fun today.3. I love it when life throws me a curveball, especially if it's a funny one.4. Surprise is the spice of life, and I like mine with a side of laughter.5. E

Hauling boat out in fall sayings

1. Time to haul out the boat and prepare for the winter ahead.2. Fall is here, time to pull the boat out of the water and tuck her in for the season.3. As the leaves change, it's time to haul the boat out and give her some TLC.4. Fall haul out: getting the boat ready for its winter slumber.5

Curiosity sayings famous

1. Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. - William Arthur Ward2. The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein3. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. - English Proverb4. The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. -

Kit kat funny sayings

1. Have a break, have a Kit Kat... and maybe share one too!2. Life is like a Kit Kat, sometimes you just need to break it into pieces and enjoy each moment.3. Kit Kat: the only time it's acceptable to break something into pieces and share it with others.4. Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat

Sayings for palm sunday

1. Hosanna in the highest!2. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.3. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey.4. Let us wave our palm branches and welcome the King of Kings

Loving memory short headstone sayings for mother

1. Forever in our hearts2. A mother's love never dies3. In loving memory of a devoted mother4. Her love lives on5. Always in our thoughts6. Gone but never forgotten7. A mother's legacy of love8. Cherished memories of a beloved mother9. In loving tribute to a wonderful mom10. Her s

Pride sayings in the bible

1. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. - Proverbs 16:182. When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. - Proverbs 11:23. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. - Proverbs 3:74. The Lord detests all the proud of heart.

Sicily sayings

1. Cu' nun tia' 'a capa, tia' 'a capa. (If you don't have a head, wear a hat.)2. Lu tempu passa, ma 'a storia resta. (Time passes, but history remains.)3. Cu' nun sape, nun parla. (If you don't know, don't speak.)4. A muntagna nun si muove, ma fa' muovere. (The mountain doesn't move, but it