80's slang sayings

1. Totally tubular - awesome or cool

2. Gag me with a spoon - expression of disgust

3. Rad - short for radical, meaning cool or awesome

4. Like, totally - emphasis on agreement or excitement

5. Fer sure - definitely or absolutely

6. Gnarly - extreme or intense

7. Valley girl - stereotypical term for a fashionable, materialistic young woman

8. Don't have a cow - don't get upset or angry

9. Barf me out - expression of disbelief or disgust

10. Psych - short for psyching someone out, meaning to deceive or trick someone

Above is 80's slang sayings.

Poesy rings sayings and quotes

Here are some poetic sayings and quotes about rings:1. A ring is a circle of love, a symbol of eternity. - Unknown2. With this ring, I give you my heart, my soul, and my love. - Unknown3. Like a ring, love has no end. - Unknown4. A ring is a promise, a symbol of forever. - Unknown5. In the

Old home sayings

1. A stitch in time saves nine.2. Home is where the heart is.3. There's no place like home.4. Home sweet home.5. Make yourself at home.6. Home is where you hang your hat.7. Home is the nicest word there is.8. Home is not a place, it's a feeling.9. Home is where memories are made.10

Sayings to get you through the day

1. This too shall pass.2. One step at a time.3. You are stronger than you think.4. Focus on progress, not perfection.5. Every day is a new beginning.6. You are capable of more than you know.7. Believe in yourself and all that you are.8. Stay positive, work hard, make it happen.9. Em

Advertising slogans that have been turned into christian sayings

1. Just Do It - Just Trust Him2. Think Different - Think Christ-like3. Have It Your Way - Have His Way4. I'm Lovin' It - I'm Praying It5. The Happiest Place on Earth - The Holiest Place on Earth6. Because You're Worth It - Because He's Worthy7. Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands -

Cute sayings about true love

1. True love is a journey that never ends.2. In the garden of love, true love blooms like a beautiful flower.3. True love is like a diamond, rare and precious.4. Love is not just a feeling, it's a commitment to always be there for each other.5. True love is finding your soulmate in a crowde

Good luck sayings in irish gaelic

1. Ádh mór ort - Good luck to you2. Go n-éirí an t-ádh leat - May luck rise with you3. Beir bua agus beannacht - Take victory and blessings4. Go n-éirí an bóthar leat - May the road rise with you5. Go n-éirí an t-ádh leat agus go n-éirí an t-ádh leis - May luck be with you and may luck be with him

Busy day quotes and sayings

1. A busy day is a productive day. 2. The busiest people have the most time. 3. Busy is a choice, stress is a choice, joy is a choice. 4. Busy is a blessing. It means you have things to do and people who rely on you. 5. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. 6. Don't count

Burr sayings

1. Cold as a polar bear's nose.2. Burr, it's chilly out here!3. Burr, it feels like winter in my bones.4. Burr, I need a hot drink to warm me up.5. Burr, my teeth are chattering.6. Burr, I can see my breath in the air.7. Burr, I need to bundle up like an Eskimo.8. Burr, it's so cold i

Cardi b common sayings

Cardi B is known for her unique and colorful language, often using slang and catchphrases in her music and interviews. Some common sayings associated with Cardi B include:1. Okurrr - A playful expression used to show enthusiasm or agreement.2. I make money moves - A boastful statement about her

Scrapbook wedding quotes and sayings

1. Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day. - Unknown2. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. - Mignon McLaughlin3. Two souls with but a single thought