A girl must have her beautyrest sayings

1. "Beauty sleep is real, and I make sure to get my beauty rest every night."

2. "I believe in the power of a good night's sleep to keep me looking and feeling beautiful."

3. "My beauty secret? Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night."

4. "Sleep is my favorite beauty treatment."

5. "I prioritize my beauty rest because I know it's essential for my overall well-being."

6. "I wake up feeling refreshed and radiant after a good night's sleep."

7. "Beauty comes from within, and for me, that starts with a good night's sleep."

8. "Sleep is my skincare routine, and it works wonders for my complexion."

9. "I invest in my beauty rest because I know it's the key to looking and feeling my best."

10. "Sleep is the best beauty treatment money can't buy."

Above is A girl must have her beautyrest sayings.

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Japanese elder sayings

1. The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists. (曲がる竹は、折れない樫よりも強い。)2. Fall seven times, stand up eight. (七転び八起き。)3. Even monkeys fall from trees. (猿も木から落ちる。)4. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. (千里の道も一歩から。)5. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down