Accidental self injury sayings

1. "I didn't mean to hurt myself, but accidents happen."

2. "Sometimes we learn the hard way that we need to be more careful."

3. "Injuries are a reminder to pay attention and take care of ourselves."

4. "Even the smallest mistake can lead to unintended consequences."

5. "It's important to be mindful of our actions to prevent accidents."

6. "Self-injury can happen in a split second, but the healing process takes time."

7. "I may have hurt myself accidentally, but I will heal and be more cautious in the future."

8. "Mistakes happen, but it's how we learn and grow from them that matters."

9. "An injury is a reminder to slow down and take care of ourselves."

10. "Accidents happen, but I will be more mindful to prevent them in the future."

Above is Accidental self injury sayings.

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