Acholi proverbs sayings

1. "Acholi tek ma kwo ni iye, ki kwo ni iye." - A wise Acholi saying that means "What is difficult for one person is easy for another."

2. "Acholi kwanyo ni iye, ki kwo ni iye." - An Acholi proverb that translates to "What is good for one person may not be good for another."

3. "Acholi ma kwo ni iye, ki kwo ni iye." - This saying conveys the idea that "What is important to one person may not be important to another."

4. "Acholi kica ni iye, ki kwo ni iye." - A proverb that emphasizes the importance of unity and working together, meaning "What one person cannot do alone, many can do together."

5. "Acholi kica ni iye, ki kwo ni iye." - This saying highlights the strength of community and cooperation, stating that "Unity is strength."

6. "Acholi ki kwo ni iye, ki kwo ni iye." - A proverb that underscores the idea that "What goes around comes around."

7. "Acholi kica ni iye, ki kwo ni iye." - This saying encourages perseverance and resilience, conveying the message that "Success comes to those who persist."

Above is Acholi proverbs sayings.

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