Acotar funny sayings

1. "I'm as fierce as Rhysand, as cunning as Feyre, and as hungry as the Suriel for chocolate."

2. "May your enemies be as confused as Tamlin trying to make a decision."

3. "I'm not a High Lady, but I sure know how to rock a dramatic entrance like one."

4. "I have more sass than Morrigan and more mischief than Cassian."

5. "I may not have wings like Azriel, but I can still soar above the drama."

6. "I'm not afraid of the Night Court, I thrive in it like Nesta."

7. "I'm as loyal as Amren, as wise as Rhysand, and as mischievous as the Inner Circle combined."

8. "I'm not just a reader, I'm a High Priestess of the Night Court."

9. "I'm not a High Lord, but I rule my own world with the strength of a warrior and the heart of a lover."

10. "I may not have a Cauldron, but I can still brew up some trouble like a true faerie."

Above is Acotar funny sayings.

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