Actor sayings

1. "I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me." - Jack Nicholson

2. "The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit." - Morgan Freeman

3. "I'm not a great actor - I'm a movie star!" - Bette Davis

4. "Acting is not about being someone different. It's finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there." - Meryl Streep

5. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Johnny Depp

6. "I think the most important thing in life is self-love, because if you don't have self-love, and respect for everything about your own body, your own soul, your own capsule, then how can you have an authentic relationship with anyone else?" - Shailene Woodley

7. "Acting is magical. Change your look and your attitude, and you can be anyone." - Alicia Witt

8. "Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances." - Sanford Meisner

9. "The most important thing in acting is honesty. If you can fake that, you've got it made." - George Burns

10. "The only thing I can do is act, but it's not something I even feel particularly passionate about." - Leonardo DiCaprio

Above is Actor sayings.

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