Affectionate french sayings

1. Mon petit chou - Translates to "my little cabbage," a term of endearment in French.

2. Mon amour - Translates to "my love," a common term of affection in French.

3. Ma chérie / Mon chéri - Translates to "my darling," used to express affection towards a loved one.

4. Je t'aime plus que hier, moins que demain - Translates to "I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow," a poetic way to express everlasting love.

5. Mon trésor - Translates to "my treasure," a sweet way to show someone how much they mean to you.

6. Mon coeur - Translates to "my heart," a simple yet powerful way to express love and affection.

7. Mon rayon de soleil - Translates to "my ray of sunshine," a warm and affectionate term to brighten someone's day.

8. Mon ange - Translates to "my angel," a loving way to describe someone who is precious to you.

9. Tu es ma joie de vivre - Translates to "you are my joy of living," a beautiful way to express how someone brings happiness to your life.

10. Mon petit lapin - Translates to "my little rabbit," a cute and endearing term to show affection towards someone you care about.

Above is Affectionate french sayings.

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