African sayings in african language

Sure, here are a few African sayings in different African languages:

1. Swahili (East Africa): "Haraka, haraka haina baraka." - This Swahili proverb translates to "Hurry, hurry has no blessings" and emphasizes the importance of patience and taking one's time.

2. Yoruba (Nigeria): "Iwa l'ewa." - This Yoruba saying means "Character is beauty" and highlights the significance of good character and behavior.

3. Xhosa (South Africa): "Ukufa kukaNdlovu kunzima." - This Xhosa proverb translates to "The death of an elephant is heavy" and signifies the impact and significance of losing a great leader or influential figure.

4. Amharic (Ethiopia): "Yeneta yalew." - This Amharic saying means "Patience is beautiful" and underscores the value of being patient in difficult situations.

5. Hausa (Nigeria): "Kada ka gane da wani abu ba tare da ka yi masa." - This Hausa proverb translates to "Do not judge a person until you have done what he has done" and emphasizes the importance of understanding someone's experiences before passing judgment.

These are just a few examples of the rich and diverse African sayings that reflect the wisdom and cultural values of different African communities.

Above is African sayings in african language.

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