African sayings in swahili

1. "Asiyefunzwa na mamaye hufunzwa na ulimwengu." - A person who is not taught by their mother will be taught by the world.

2. "Haraka, haraka haina baraka." - Hurrying, hurrying has no blessings.

3. "Mgeni siku ya kwanza, siku ya pili ni mgeni, siku ya tatu ni adui." - A guest on the first day, a guest on the second day, on the third day, an enemy.

4. "Maji yamezama samaki ndio wanaoonekana." - When the water recedes, that's when the fish are seen.

5. "Mnyonge mnyongeni, lakini haki yake mpeni." - Respect the weak, but give them their rights.

6. "Usiache mbachao kwa msala ukiwa kwenye kibanda." - Don't leave your problems at home when you go to the market.

7. "Ukiona vyaelea, vimeundwa." - If you see something floating, it was made.

8. "Usiache mbachao kwa msala." - Don't leave your problems at home.

9. "Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako." - What you eat is in your clothes.

10. "Mwenda pole hajikwai." - The slow walker does not stumble.

Above is African sayings in swahili.

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Sayings like grinds my gears

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Friend ship sayings

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1. Follow the disco ball to the party of the year!2. This way to the dance floor and good times ahead!3. Turn up the music and follow the neon lights to the party!4. Get ready to party - follow the signs to the fun!5. Follow the beats and the laughter to the ultimate party destination!6.

Cute aunt sayings

1. Aunt: like a mom, only cooler.2. Auntie knows best.3. Aunt life is the best life.4. Auntie love is the best kind of love.5. Auntie's little helper.6. Auntie's love knows no bounds.7. Auntie by blood, best friend by choice.8. Auntie's hugs are the best medicine.9. Auntie's house: