Age of mythology unit sayings

Here are some iconic sayings from units in Age of Mythology:

1. Villager: "Eh-heh, work, work."

2. Greek Hoplite: "For glory and honor!"

3. Norse Jarl: "I am the Jarl!"

4. Egyptian Priest: "By the power of Ra!"

5. Atlantean Arcus: "For Atlantis!"

6. Chinese Chu Ko Nu: "The bow is strung."

7. Norse Hersir: "I am the Hersir!"

8. Egyptian Chariot Archer: "The chariot is swift."

9. Greek Hippikon: "Ride forth!"

10. Atlantean Murmillo: "For the glory of Atlantis!"

These sayings add character and personality to the units in the game, making them more memorable and immersive for players.

Above is Age of mythology unit sayings.

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Book on british sayings

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Good sayings hindi

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Funny sayings for 60th birthday card

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