Aged to perfection sayings

1. "Like a fine wine, I only get better with age."

2. "Aging like a fine whiskey, smooth and full of character."

3. "I'm not old, I'm aged to perfection."

4. "Vintage and fabulous."

5. "Age is just a number, but maturity is a choice."

6. "Embracing my wrinkles and wisdom."

7. "Growing old gracefully."

8. "I'm not getting older, I'm becoming a classic."

9. "Age is a privilege denied to many."

10. "I may be older, but I'm also wiser and more experienced."

Above is Aged to perfection sayings.

Sayings on memories of father and son

1. A father's love is a son's greatest treasure, and memories of that love last a lifetime.2. In the heart of a son, the memories of his father's wisdom and guidance shine bright forever.3. A father and son may be separated by distance or time, but the memories they share will always bind them

Creative i love you sayings

1. You are the missing piece to my puzzle of happiness, I love you.2. You are the melody to my heart's song, I love you.3. You are the sunshine that brightens my day, I love you.4. You are the star that guides me through the darkness, I love you.5. You are the canvas to my masterpiece, I lo

2 words love sayings

1. Forever yours2. Endless love

Silly grownup kids sayings

1. I'm not old, I'm just well-seasoned.2. I'm not lazy, I'm energy efficient.3. I'm not lost, I'm just exploring.4. I'm not forgetful, I just have a selective memory.5. I'm not late, I just operate on a different time zone.6. I'm not messy, I'm creatively organized.7. I'm not grumpy, I'

Fibro sayings

1. Fibromyalgia is a battle I didn't choose, but I will fight with all my strength.2. Invisible pain, visible strength.3. Fibromyalgia may slow me down, but it will never define me.4. Every day may be a struggle, but I am stronger than my pain.5. I may have fibromyalgia, but it does not hav

Artwork sayings god

Here are a few quotes and sayings about God that you may find inspiring for artwork:1. God is within her, she will not fall. - Psalm 46:52. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. - Proverbs 3:53. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. - Psalm 46:14. Be still and know

Love fight quotes and sayings in hindi

1. जब तक दिल में जुनून है, तब तक लड़ाई में जीत का दावा है। 2. किसी के लिए लड़ना भले ही मुश्किल हो, पर अपने लिए लड़ना अनिवार्य है। 3. अगर तुम्हारी लड़ाई में तुम्हारी आत्मा नहीं है, तो वो लड़ाई बस एक खेल है। 4. हारना मानने के लिए तैयार नहीं हूँ, मैं तो लड़ने के लिए तैयार हूँ। 5. लड़ाई में हार

French sayings translated into english

1. C'est la vie - That's life2. Joie de vivre - Joy of living3. Bon appétit - Enjoy your meal4. Rien ne va plus - No more bets (used in gambling)5. Chacun voit midi à sa porte - To each his own6. Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid - Little by little, the bird builds its nest

Succeed quotes and sayings

1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer2. Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. - Arnold H. Glasow3. Success is walking from failure to fail

Pillows design sayings

1. Dream big, sleep well2. Home is where the pillow is3. Sweet dreams, goodnight4. Rest, relax, repeat5. Pillow talk6. Nap queen/king7. Sleep is the best meditation8. Let's cuddle and nap9. Pillow fort, anyone?10. Snooze in style