Air stewardess sayings

1. "Please fasten your seatbelt and prepare for takeoff."

2. "In the event of an emergency, oxygen masks will drop down from the overhead compartments. Please secure your own mask before assisting others."

3. "Ladies and gentlemen, we will be coming through the cabin shortly to offer drinks and snacks. Please let us know if you need anything."

4. "We will be dimming the cabin lights for takeoff and landing. Please ensure your window shades are up."

5. "Thank you for choosing to fly with us today. We hope you have a pleasant journey."

6. "For those seated in an exit row, please review the safety card located in the seat pocket in front of you."

7. "If you need assistance or have any questions during the flight, please don't hesitate to press the call button above your seat."

8. "We will be landing shortly, please ensure your seatbelt is securely fastened and your seatback and tray table are in the upright position."

9. "As we prepare for landing, please stow all electronic devices and return your seat to the upright position."

10. "On behalf of the entire crew, we'd like to thank you for flying with us today. We appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon."

Above is Air stewardess sayings.

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