Akuma sayings

1. "Evil is merely a perspective, one that I happen to embrace."

2. "Fear not the darkness, for within it lies great power."

3. "Chaos is the true nature of the world, and I am its willing servant."

4. "Those who stand in my way will be crushed beneath my heel."

5. "Surrender to your darkest desires, for they are what truly define you."

6. "In the end, all will bow before me, for I am the embodiment of destruction."

7. "The flames of hell burn bright within me, consuming all who dare to oppose me."

8. "Embrace the shadows, for they are where true strength lies."

9. "I am the bringer of torment, the harbinger of despair. None can escape my wrath."

10. "Do not seek to understand me, for I am beyond your comprehension. Just fear me."

Above is Akuma sayings.

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