Al farabi quotes and sayings
1. "The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain." - Al-Farabi
2. "The true aim of the wise is to secure happiness, and to avoid unhappiness." - Al-Farabi
3. "The perfect man is the one who is virtuous and wise." - Al-Farabi
4. "The ultimate goal of human life is the attainment of happiness through the cultivation of virtue." - Al-Farabi
5. "The wise man is the one who knows the right thing to do, at the right time, in the right way." - Al-Farabi
6. "The key to happiness is the pursuit of knowledge and the practice of virtue." - Al-Farabi
7. "The wise man is the one who can control his desires and passions, and act in accordance with reason." - Al-Farabi
8. "The true measure of a man's worth is not in his wealth or power, but in his wisdom and virtue." - Al-Farabi
9. "The path to happiness is through the cultivation of the intellect and the pursuit of knowledge." - Al-Farabi
10. "The wise man is the one who can see beyond the surface of things, and understand the deeper truths of existence." - Al-Farabi
Above is Al farabi quotes and sayings.
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