Al farabi sayings

Al-Farabi, also known as Alpharabius, was a renowned Muslim philosopher and polymath from the Islamic Golden Age. Some of his notable sayings include:

1. "The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain."

2. "The true aim of the wise is to secure happiness, and to avoid pain."

3. "The ultimate goal of human beings is the attainment of happiness through the perfection of the soul."

4. "The perfect man is the one who possesses knowledge, virtue, and wisdom."

5. "The pursuit of knowledge is the noblest pursuit of all, for it leads to the perfection of the soul."

6. "True happiness is found in the contemplation of truth and the pursuit of wisdom."

7. "The wise man is he who can distinguish between the essential and the non-essential."

8. "The highest form of knowledge is self-knowledge."

9. "The key to happiness lies in the cultivation of virtue and the pursuit of wisdom."

10. "The wise man is he who can control his desires and passions, and live a life of moderation and balance."

Above is Al farabi sayings.

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