Alabama auburn sayings

Here are some popular sayings associated with the Alabama-Auburn rivalry:

1. "Roll Tide!" - A common phrase used by Alabama fans to show support for the Crimson Tide.

2. "War Eagle!" - The battle cry of Auburn fans, often used to show support for the Tigers.

3. "Iron Bowl" - The name of the annual football game between Alabama and Auburn, considered one of the biggest rivalries in college football.

4. "The Deep South's Oldest Rivalry" - Refers to the longstanding rivalry between Alabama and Auburn, which dates back to 1893.

5. "The Iron Bowl is the only game that matters" - A sentiment shared by many fans of both teams, emphasizing the importance of the annual matchup.

6. "Toomer's Corner" - A famous tradition at Auburn where fans gather to celebrate victories by rolling the trees at Toomer's Corner with toilet paper.

7. "The Kick Six" - Refers to the memorable game-winning play by Auburn in the 2013 Iron Bowl, where Chris Davis returned a missed field goal for a touchdown as time expired.

These sayings and traditions are just a few examples of the rich history and passionate fan base associated with the Alabama-Auburn rivalry.

Above is Alabama auburn sayings.

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