Albanian sayings in albanian

1. "Ku ka zjarr, ka dhe tym." - Where there is fire, there is smoke.

2. "Kush shume shpreson, shume deh." - He who hopes too much, is often disappointed.

3. "Nuk ka gur pa uje." - There is no stone without water (meaning every situation has a solution).

4. "Kush nuk punon, nuk hahet." - He who does not work, does not eat.

5. "Fjala e keqe fluturon, fjalë e mirë ngjitet." - A bad word flies, a good word sticks.

6. "Bukuri pa dituri, si lule pa aromë." - Beauty without intelligence is like a flower without fragrance.

7. "Ku ka vullnet, ka dhe mënyrë." - Where there is a will, there is a way.

8. "Ku ka dashuri, nuk ka frikë." - Where there is love, there is no fear.

9. "Fjalët fluturojnë, shembujt mbeten." - Words fly away, examples remain.

10. "Ku ka shumë fjalë, ka pak punë." - Where there are many words, there is little work.

Above is Albanian sayings in albanian.

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Mason jar sign sayings

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Class of 2015 funny sayings

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