Alf garnett sayings or

Here are some popular sayings from Alf Garnett, a fictional character known for his controversial and politically incorrect views:

1. "You don't get owt for nowt."

2. "It's political correctness gone mad!"

3. "I don't believe it!"

4. "Bloody foreigners!"

5. "I'm not a racist, but..."

6. "You can't say anything these days without offending someone."

7. "Back in my day, things were different."

8. "It's the bleeding government, ain't it?"

9. "It's a free country, ain't it?"

10. "I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking."

Above is Alf garnett sayings or.

Italian day sayings

1. Buona giornata! (Have a good day!)2. Che la giornata ti sorrida! (May the day smile upon you!)3. In bocca al lupo per la tua giornata! (Good luck for your day!)4. Che la giornata sia piena di gioia e felicità! (May the day be full of joy and happiness!)5. Che tu possa affrontare la giorn

21st birthday sayings for friends

1. Cheers to 21 years of friendship and many more to come!2. Here's to legally being able to do all the things we've been doing for years!3. May your 21st birthday be filled with unforgettable memories and endless laughter.4. You're finally 21! Let's celebrate like there's no tomorrow.5. Wi

Best rupaul sayings

1. If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?2. You better work!3. Sashay away.4. Don't get bitter, just get better.5. We're all born naked and the rest is drag.6. Good luck, and don't f*** it up!7. Charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent.8. Remember, yo

Uk sayings

1. Bob's your uncle - used to say that something will be successful or easy to do.2. It's not my cup of tea - used to say that something is not to your liking or preference.3. It's raining cats and dogs - used to describe heavy rain.4. A penny for your thoughts - used to ask someone what the

Werewolf sayings

1. The moon calls to me, and I must answer.2. In the darkness, my true nature is revealed.3. I am a creature of the night, bound by the moon's power.4. The beast within me cannot be tamed.5. I walk the line between man and monster.6. The hunt is on, and I am the predator.7. My howl echo

Cute couple pineapple sayings

1. You're the pineapple of my eye.2. We make a perfect pair, just like pineapples and coconuts.3. You're the sweet to my tangy, just like pineapple.4. Our love is as refreshing as a pineapple on a hot day.5. We're like two halves of a pineapple, perfectly matched.6. Together, we're a trop

Images of inspirational sayings

I'm unable to display images, but here are some inspirational sayings that you might find motivating:1. Believe you can and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt2. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs3. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key

Artist sayings and quotes

1. Every artist was first an amateur. - Ralph Waldo Emerson2. Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. - Thomas Merton3. The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. - Pablo Picasso4. Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth. - P

Rolled sayings

1. A rolling stone gathers no moss.2. Roll with the punches.3. The ball is in your court.4. Roll out the red carpet.5. Roll up your sleeves and get to work.6. Rolling in dough.7. Rolling in the deep.8. Rolling in the hay.9. Rolling in the money.10. Rolling in the deep.

Sayings 7dn by the dozen

Seven deadly sins by the dozen.