Alzheimer's sayings

1. "The hardest thing about Alzheimer's is not being able to remember the things you used to know."

2. "Alzheimer's may have taken my memories, but it will never take my spirit."

3. "In the world of Alzheimer's, the past is more real than the present."

4. "Alzheimer's doesn't define who I am, it's just a part of my journey."

5. "Love is the only thing that can transcend the boundaries of Alzheimer's."

6. "Alzheimer's may steal my memories, but it can never erase the love I have for my family."

7. "In the midst of Alzheimer's fog, moments of clarity shine like beacons of hope."

8. "Alzheimer's may dim my mind, but it can never extinguish the light of my soul."

9. "The true test of love is standing by someone with Alzheimer's, even when they no longer remember who you are."

10. "Alzheimer's may cloud my thoughts, but it can never erase the love and joy I have experienced in my life."

Above is Alzheimer's sayings.

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South african sayings and quotes

1. Ubuntu - I am because we are. - A traditional African philosophy emphasizing the interconnectedness of humanity.2. A bird will always use another bird's feathers to feather its own nest. - Meaning that people will always try to take advantage of others for their own benefit.3. Even an ant ca