American sayings tied to baseball

1. "Swing for the fences" - This saying means to aim for a big success or achievement, similar to hitting a home run in baseball.

2. "Knock it out of the park" - This phrase is used to describe a great accomplishment or success, similar to hitting a home run in baseball.

3. "Cover all the bases" - This saying means to address all aspects of a situation or problem, similar to a baseball player running to all the bases.

4. "Curveball" - This term is used to describe an unexpected or surprising event or situation, similar to a pitcher throwing a curveball in baseball.

5. "Strike out" - This phrase means to fail or be unsuccessful, similar to a batter striking out in baseball.

6. "In the ballpark" - This saying means to be close to the right answer or solution, similar to a baseball being hit into the ballpark.

7. "Play hardball" - This term means to be tough or aggressive in negotiations or dealings, similar to the competitive nature of baseball.

8. "Hit a home run" - This phrase is used to describe a major success or achievement, similar to hitting a home run in baseball.

9. "On deck" - This saying means to be next in line or ready to take action, similar to a baseball player waiting to bat.

10. "Out of left field" - This term is used to describe something unexpected or surprising, similar to a ball being hit unexpectedly to left field in baseball.

Above is American sayings tied to baseball.

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