Amputee sayings

1. "I may have lost a limb, but I haven't lost my spirit."

2. "I may be missing a part of me, but I am still whole."

3. "I may have a disability, but I am still capable of great things."

4. "My amputation is just a chapter in my story, not the end of it."

5. "I may have a different way of moving, but I am still moving forward."

6. "I am not defined by my amputation, but by my strength and resilience."

7. "I may have lost a limb, but I have gained a new perspective on life."

8. "My amputation is a part of me, but it does not define me."

9. "I may have to adapt, but I will never give up."

10. "I am not disabled, I am differently abled."

Above is Amputee sayings.

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