Analects of confucius sayings

Here are some famous sayings from the Analects of Confucius:

1. "The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions."

2. "To see what is right and not do it is want of courage."

3. "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."

4. "When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves."

5. "The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."

6. "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

7. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

8. "The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large."

9. "The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home."

10. "The man of wisdom is never of two minds; the man of benevolence never worries; the man of courage is never afraid."

These sayings reflect Confucius' teachings on ethics, morality, and personal development.

Above is Analects of confucius sayings.

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