Ancient scandinavian sayings

1. "Bra kvedja berr allt sinni." (A good greeting makes everything easier.)

2. "Eigi skal öl drekka með öx í hendi." (One should not drink ale with an axe in hand.)

3. "Góður vinur er gull hinn besti." (A good friend is the best gold.)

4. "Árinni kennir illur ræðari." (The oar teaches the rower.)

5. "Sjaldan er einhver án sorgar." (Rarely is anyone without sorrow.)

6. "Fátt er betra en heilsa." (Nothing is better than health.)

7. "Gott er það að eiga vin." (It is good to have a friend.)

8. "Sá er vingjarnlegur, sem vingjarnlegur er." (He who is friendly will find friends.)

9. "Eigi skal maður vera ofsnjall." (One should not be too bold.)

10. "Sá er góður vinur, sem góður ráðherra." (He is a good friend who is a good advisor.)

Above is Ancient scandinavian sayings.

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