And all she ever wanted sayings

1. "All she ever wanted was to be loved and appreciated."

2. "All she ever wanted was to find happiness and peace."

3. "All she ever wanted was to make a difference in the world."

4. "All she ever wanted was to follow her dreams and passions."

5. "All she ever wanted was to be understood and accepted for who she is."

6. "All she ever wanted was to live a life filled with love and laughter."

7. "All she ever wanted was to be surrounded by positivity and kindness."

8. "All she ever wanted was to inspire and uplift others."

9. "All she ever wanted was to experience true joy and fulfillment."

10. "All she ever wanted was to leave a legacy of love and compassion."

Above is And all she ever wanted sayings.

Lovely sayings for loving your mum and dad

1. A mother's love is like no other, pure and unconditional.2. Dads are the unsung heroes of our lives, always there to support and guide us.3. In the arms of my parents, I find comfort, love, and endless support.4. To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world, Mom and Da

Daytime sayings

1. The early bird catches the worm.2. Make hay while the sun shines.3. Carpe diem (Seize the day).4. The sun is shining on me today.5. Every day is a new beginning.6. Rise and shine.7. The world is your oyster.8. Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present.9. The sun will co

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1. The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. - Ralph Waldo Emerson2. I never get tired of the blue sky. - Vincent Van Gogh3. Behind every cloud is another cloud. - Judy Garland4. The clouds, - the only birds that never sleep. - Victor Hugo5. A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a d

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1. Create, Inspire, Repeat2. Handmade with Love3. Crafty Creations Shine

Custom jewelry with inspirational sayings

Creating custom jewelry with inspirational sayings is a wonderful way to express positivity and motivation through wearable art. Here are some steps to help you get started:1. **Choose Your Materials**: Decide on the type of jewelry you want to create - whether it's necklaces, bracelets, rings, or e

Proverbs sayings

1. A stitch in time saves nine.2. Actions speak louder than words.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. Where there's a will, there's a way.5. The early bird catches the worm.6. All good things must come to an end.7. Better late than never.8. Don't put all your eggs in one

Edna sayings

1. I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.2. I have always been fond of the West African proverb: 'Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.'3. I am not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful.4. I am not young enough to know everything.5. I wan

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1. Pain is temporary, but the lessons it teaches us can last a lifetime.2. The deeper the pain, the stronger you can emerge from it.3. Pain is a reminder that you are alive and capable of feeling.4. In the midst of pain, find strength. In the face of adversity, find courage.5. Pain is the t

Russian sayings big

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Sayings about tellling lies

1. A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.2. Lies may take you forward, but they will never let you go far.3. Lies will always find a way to come back and haunt you.4. The truth may hurt for a moment, but a lie hurts forever.5. Lies are like quicksand, the more you struggle, the deeper yo