Angelic sayings for little boys that have passed on

1. "Though you may be gone from our sight, you will forever remain in our hearts."

2. "Your light may have dimmed on earth, but it shines brightly in heaven."

3. "You were a precious gift to us, now you are a precious angel above."

4. "In the arms of angels, you are safe and at peace."

5. "Your spirit lives on in the memories and love you left behind."

6. "You may have left this world too soon, but your presence will always be felt."

7. "Heaven gained a special little boy, now watching over us with love."

8. "Your time with us was short, but the impact you made will last a lifetime."

9. "You were a little boy full of joy and innocence, now an angel watching over us from above."

10. "May you rest in eternal peace, surrounded by love and light."

Above is Angelic sayings for little boys that have passed on.

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