Angels sayings

1. "Angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hands of God."

2. "Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder, the keepers of magic and dreams."

3. "Angels are the gatekeepers of our souls, guiding us towards the light in times of darkness."

4. "Angels are the silent whispers of love and comfort that remind us we are never alone."

5. "Angels are the messengers of God's love, sent to guide and protect us on our journey through life."

6. "Angels are the invisible hand that lifts us up when we are feeling down, and the gentle voice that whispers 'you are loved'."

7. "Angels are the embodiment of pure love and light, shining brightly in the darkness to show us the way."

8. "Angels are the celestial beings who watch over us, guiding us towards our highest good and greatest potential."

9. "Angels are the divine messengers who bring us messages of hope, healing, and peace."

10. "Angels are the bridge between heaven and earth, connecting us to the divine and reminding us of our true essence."

Above is Angels sayings.

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