Animal sayings and idioms

1. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" - It is better to have something that is certain than to risk losing it by trying to get something better.

2. "Like a fish out of water" - Feeling uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation.

3. "Busy as a bee" - Working very hard and diligently.

4. "Let the cat out of the bag" - To reveal a secret or disclose information that was meant to be kept confidential.

5. "Hold your horses" - Be patient and wait before taking action.

6. "A wolf in sheep's clothing" - Someone who appears harmless or friendly but is actually dangerous or deceitful.

7. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" - Don't make plans based on something that hasn't happened yet.

8. "The early bird catches the worm" - Being proactive and getting a head start can lead to success.

9. "When pigs fly" - Used to express disbelief or skepticism about something ever happening.

10. "Monkey see, monkey do" - People tend to imitate the actions or behaviors of others.

Above is Animal sayings and idioms.

Head warm toque sayings

1. Stay cozy, stay cool.2. Beanie there, done that.3. Toque-tally awesome.4. Knit happens.5. Chill out in style.6. Cold head, warm heart.7. Winter vibes only.8. Rockin' the toque life.9. Embrace the chill.10. Keep calm and toque on.

Deep insightful sayings and quotes

1. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. - Alan Watts2. The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Buddha3. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates4. The best way to predict the future is to create it

Willpower of a sayings

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Sayings for months of the year

1. April showers bring May flowers.2. March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.3. January is the Monday of the year.4. June is bustin' out all over.5. September is the January of fashion.6. October is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.7. November is the month of gra

Good morning sayings on life

1. Life is a journey, not a destination.2. Every day is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again.3. Life is short, make the most of it.4. Embrace the journey and enjoy the ride.5. The best way to predict the future is to create it.6. Life is what you make it, so make it beautif

Sayings about life after a divorce

1. Sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away, even if it means facing life alone.2. After a divorce, you have the opportunity to rediscover yourself and create a new chapter in your life.3. Divorce is not the end of your story, but the beginning of a new chapter filled with possibilities

Sayings cats quotes

1. In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this. - Terry Pratchett2. Time spent with cats is never wasted. - Sigmund Freud3. A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. - Ernest Hemin

Despise quotes sayings

1. Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated. - Coretta Scott King2. Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. - Buddha3. The best revenge is massive success. - Frank Sinatra4. Resentment is like drinking po

Walking in your own path quotes and sayings

1. Don't be afraid to walk alone. Don't be afraid to like it. - John Mayer2. The path to success is to take massive, determined action. - Tony Robbins3. Don't follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you. - Margaret Thatcher4. The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond

Sister sayings to print

1. Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.2. Sisters make the best friends.3. Sisters by chance, friends by choice.4. A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.5. Sisters are like stars, you may not always see them but you kn