Anti peta sayings

1. "PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals"

2. "PETA: Putting Extremism Above Truth and Animals"

3. "PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Except Humans"

4. "PETA: Hypocrites in Animal Rights Clothing"

5. "PETA: More Concerned with Publicity Than Animals"

6. "PETA: Extremism Masquerading as Compassion"

7. "PETA: Saving Animals by Killing Jobs"

8. "PETA: The Radical Face of Animal Rights"

9. "PETA: Where Hypocrisy Meets Activism"

10. "PETA: Promoting Animal Rights at the Expense of Reason"

Above is Anti peta sayings.

Promise sayings tumblr

1. Promises are like the full moon, if they are not kept at once they diminish day by day. - German Proverb2. Promises mean everything, but after they are broken, sorry means nothing. - Unknown3. A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain. - Arabian Proverb4. Promises are the uniquely human wa

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1. Twice the love, twice the fun, twins sisters are second to none.2. Sisters by birth, best friends by choice.3. Double the trouble, double the joy, twin sisters are a special kind of bond.4. Two peas in a pod, two hearts that beat as one.5. Sisters forever, twins for life.6. Mirror imag

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1. I'll start tomorrow.2. I'm too tired to exercise today.3. I don't have time to work out.4. I'll just skip it this once.5. I'm not in the mood to exercise.6. I'll just do it later.7. I don't feel well enough to work out.8. I'll exercise when I feel more motivated.9. I'll make up f

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1. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle2. Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you prove that it's true. - Unknown3. Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. - Nicholas Sparks4. To love is nothing. To be loved is som

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1. Life is better when you're laughing.2. Chasing sunsets and dreams.3. Salty air, sun-kissed hair.4. Happiness looks gorgeous on you.5. Adventure awaits.6. Good vibes only.7. Smile big, laugh often.8. Love the life you live.9. Be a voice, not an echo.10. Embrace the glorious mess

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1. Knitting is a way to unwind the mind and create something beautiful. 2. Knitting is like a good friend - always there to comfort and warm you. 3. In a world full of chaos, knitting brings a sense of calm and order. 4. Knitting is not just a hobby, it's a way of life. 5. Knitting is the p

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1. Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles that nobody knows about.2. In the broken pieces of yesterday, there are treasures waiting to be found.3. A shattered heart is a beautiful mosaic of love and resilience.4. The

Have no regrets sayings

1. Don't look back, you're not going that way.2. Live with no excuses and love with no regrets.3. The only things in life you regret are the risks you didn't take.4. Regret nothing, for it was all a part of the journey.5. Let go of regrets and embrace the lessons learned.6. The only regre

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1. Just married and already flip-flopping through life together!2. From 'I do' to 'I do what I want' - let the flip-flopping begin!3. Walking down the aisle in flip-flops, ready to flip-flop through life with you.4. Our love story is a flip-flop dance - sometimes smooth, sometimes a little of

Alway be a parent with children from dad sayings

1. Being a parent is a privilege, not a burden.2. Children are a reflection of their parents, so always strive to be a positive role model.3. Parenting is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy every moment.4. Your children may not always listen to what you say, but they will always watch what y