Anti valentine sayings drinking

1. "Roses are red, violets are blue, vodka is cheaper than dinner for two."

2. "Love stinks, but my drink doesn't."

3. "Who needs a Valentine when you have wine?"

4. "I'd rather have a shot of tequila than a shot at love."

5. "Love is in the air? I'll stick to my beer."

6. "My heart belongs to whiskey, not to anyone else."

7. "Valentine's Day is just another excuse to drink."

8. "I'd rather raise a glass than raise expectations."

9. "Love is overrated, but this cocktail isn't."

10. "I'll be my own Valentine, with a bottle of wine."

Above is Anti valentine sayings drinking.

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Clever rocker sayings

1. Rock and roll is not just music, it's a way of life.2. Turn up the volume and let the music do the talking.3. In rock we trust, all others pay cash.4. Life is short, play it loud.5. Rock on, stay strong.6. I may be old, but my music will never age.7. Rock and roll will never die, it