Anubis sayings

1. "I am the guardian of the underworld, where all souls must pass through."

2. "I weigh the hearts of the deceased to determine their fate in the afterlife."

3. "I am the jackal-headed god, feared and respected by all who enter the realm of the dead."

4. "I am the guide for souls on their journey to the afterlife, leading them through the trials of judgment."

5. "I am the protector of graves and tombs, ensuring that the deceased rest in peace."

6. "I am the god of mummification, preserving the bodies of the dead for their journey to the afterlife."

7. "I am the judge of the dead, ensuring that justice is served in the underworld."

8. "I am the embodiment of death and rebirth, overseeing the cycle of life and death."

9. "I am the companion of the deceased, offering them comfort and guidance in the afterlife."

10. "I am Anubis, the eternal watcher over the souls of the departed."

Above is Anubis sayings.

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