Apathy sayings about love

1. "Love is a battlefield, and apathy is the armor."

2. "In a world full of love, apathy is the ultimate defense."

3. "Apathy is the shield that protects the heart from the arrows of love."

4. "Love may be a flame, but apathy is the extinguisher."

5. "In the absence of passion, apathy becomes the default state of the heart."

6. "Love's song falls silent in the presence of apathy's deafening silence."

7. "Apathy is the cold indifference that freezes the warmth of love."

8. "Love's light dims in the shadow of apathy's darkness."

9. "Apathy is the absence of feeling that renders love powerless."

10. "Love's touch is lost in the numbness of apathy."

Above is Apathy sayings about love.

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