Apj abdul kalam sayings on college life with friends

Here are a few quotes by APJ Abdul Kalam that reflect his thoughts on college life and friends:

1. "In college, you learn how to learn. Four years are enough to teach you that you don't know everything."

2. "Your college friends know who you are, but your true friends know who you can be."

3. "College life is a time for making memories with friends that will last a lifetime."

4. "In college, you meet people from all walks of life, and your friends become your second family."

5. "The best part of college life is the friendships you make along the way. Cherish them, for they will be your support system in the years to come."

These quotes by APJ Abdul Kalam emphasize the importance of friendships and the valuable experiences gained during college life.

Above is Apj abdul kalam sayings on college life with friends.

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