Apologys sayings

1. "I'm sorry for my actions and I take full responsibility for them."

2. "I apologize for any hurt or inconvenience I may have caused."

3. "I deeply regret my words and actions and I am truly sorry."

4. "I apologize for my mistake and I will work to make things right."

5. "I am sorry for any misunderstanding that may have occurred."

6. "I apologize for any pain I may have caused and I am committed to making amends."

7. "I am truly sorry for my behavior and I will strive to do better in the future."

8. "I apologize for my actions and I understand the impact they have had."

9. "I am sorry for any harm I may have caused and I am sincerely remorseful."

10. "I apologize for my actions and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

Above is Apologys sayings.

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