Apraxia sayings

1. "Practice makes perfect, but sometimes it just makes perfect practice."

2. "Actions speak louder than words, unless you have apraxia."

3. "Apraxia may slow me down, but it won't stop me from trying."

4. "I may stumble over my words, but my determination is clear."

5. "Apraxia is just a hurdle, not a roadblock."

6. "My speech may be a work in progress, but my spirit is strong."

7. "I may struggle to communicate, but my message is worth the effort."

8. "Apraxia doesn't define me, it refines me."

9. "Every word I speak is a victory over apraxia."

10. "I may have apraxia, but I also have resilience and determination."

Above is Apraxia sayings.

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