Are fantasies wrong sayings

Fantasies themselves are not inherently wrong. Fantasies are a normal and natural part of human imagination and can serve as a way to explore desires, creativity, and possibilities. However, it is important to distinguish between healthy fantasies and harmful fantasies. Harmful fantasies are those that involve harmful or illegal activities, promote violence, or contribute to unhealthy behaviors. It is important to be mindful of the content of our fantasies and ensure they align with our values and do not harm ourselves or others.

Above is Are fantasies wrong sayings.

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Modern german sayings

1. Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein. (He who digs a pit for others will fall into it himself.)2. Aller Anfang ist schwer. (All beginnings are difficult.)3. Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten. (He who laughs last, laughs best.)4. Ohne Fleiß kein Preis. (No pain, no gain.)5.