Aristotle sayings about democracy

Aristotle had a complex view of democracy, as he believed that it could lead to both positive and negative outcomes depending on the circumstances. Here are some of his sayings about democracy:

1. "Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers." - Aristotle, Politics

2. "The basis of a democratic state is liberty." - Aristotle, Politics

3. "Democracy is the form of government in which the free are rulers." - Aristotle, Politics

4. "Democracy is the most charming form of government, as it is the most tolerant." - Aristotle, Politics

5. "Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike." - Aristotle, Politics

Overall, Aristotle recognized the potential of democracy to promote equality and liberty, but also warned of the dangers of mob rule and the tyranny of the majority.

Above is Aristotle sayings about democracy.

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