Arm sayings

1. "Give an arm and a leg" - to give a large amount of money or something valuable in exchange for something else.

2. "Twist someone's arm" - to persuade or convince someone to do something they may not want to do.

3. "An arm and a leg" - to cost a lot of money.

4. "Strong-arm tactics" - the use of force or intimidation to achieve a goal.

5. "Keep someone at arm's length" - to maintain a certain distance or level of closeness with someone.

6. "In the arms of Morpheus" - to be asleep or in a state of deep slumber.

7. "An armchair critic" - someone who offers opinions or criticism without actually participating in the activity.

8. "Twist someone's arm behind their back" - to pressure or force someone to do something against their will.

9. "Winning hands down" - to win easily or without much effort.

10. "Cost an arm and a leg" - to be very expensive.

Above is Arm sayings.

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