Arnold horshack sayings

Arnold Horshack was a character from the TV show "Welcome Back, Kotter" who was known for his catchphrase "Ooh, ooh, Mr. Kotter!" Here are some other popular sayings associated with Arnold Horshack:

1. "I got a question, Mr. Kotter!"

2. "Hey, hey, hey!"

3. "I know, I know!"

4. "Up your nose with a rubber hose!"

5. "I'm so confused!"

6. "I'm having a nervous breakdown!"

7. "I'm sweating like a pig!"

8. "I'm dying, Mr. Kotter!"

9. "I'm gonna pass out!"

10. "I'm gonna throw up!"

Above is Arnold horshack sayings.

Irish baby sayings

1. May the road rise up to meet you.2. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more.3. May you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience, and enough coins in your pocket to buy a pint!4. May your heart be light and happy, may your smile be big and wide, and may your pockets always

Chow sayings from hangover

Here are some famous quotes from the movie The Hangover:1. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.2. I'm a one-man wolf pack.3. It's not a purse, it's a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.4. Tigers love pepper. They hate cinnamon.5. We're getting the Wolfpack back together.6. You are liter

50th birthday sayings for cards

1. Fifty and fabulous! Wishing you a birthday filled with joy, laughter, and love.2. Happy 50th birthday! May this milestone year be the beginning of your best chapter yet.3. Cheers to 50 years! May your birthday be as special and wonderful as you are.4. Half a century never looked so good! W

Baby book sayings and quotes

1. A baby is a little bit of heaven sent down to earth.2. Babies are a gift from above, a precious bundle of joy and love.3. Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness, and light into our lives.4. A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empt

Happy retirement retirement cake sayings

1. Cheers to a lifetime of hard work and now time for relaxation!2. Wishing you a retirement filled with joy, laughter, and endless relaxation.3. You've worked hard, now it's time to play hard! Happy retirement!4. Retirement: the beginning of a new chapter filled with endless possibilities.5

Funny jealousy sayings

1. Jealousy is a disease, get well soon!2. Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.3. I'm not jealous, I'm just fiercely protective of what's mine.4. Jealousy is a sign of insecurity, not love.5. Jealousy is a wasted emotion when you could just be happy for others.6. Jealousy is l

Sayings as you get older

1. Age is just a number.2. With age comes wisdom.3. You're only as old as you feel.4. The older, the wiser.5. Growing old is a privilege denied to many.6. Youth is wasted on the young.7. The best is yet to come.8. Life begins at 40.9. Age gracefully.10. Embrace your wrinkles, they

Sayings definition and examples

Sayings are short, memorable expressions that convey wisdom, advice, or a general truth. They are often passed down through generations and are commonly used in everyday conversations. Here are some examples of sayings:1. Actions speak louder than words. - This saying emphasizes the importance of

Happy 8th birthday daughter sayings

1. Happy 8th birthday to my sweet daughter! You bring so much joy and love into our lives every day.2. To my amazing daughter on her 8th birthday, may your day be filled with laughter, fun, and lots of cake!3. Eight years ago, you came into our lives and changed it for the better. Happy birthda

Hades quotes and sayings

1. The only way to deal with fear is to face it head on.2. Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to walk away from it.3. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.4. The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.5. The only way out is through.