Art of manliness sayings

1. "Be a gentleman at all times."

2. "Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone."

3. "A man's word is his bond."

4. "Respect is earned, not given."

5. "Work hard, play hard."

6. "Be the kind of man you would want your daughter to marry."

7. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."

8. "A man should be strong in body, mind, and spirit."

9. "Take responsibility for your actions."

10. "Treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of their station in life."

Above is Art of manliness sayings.

Sayings about money ruining life

1. Money can buy a lot of things, but it can't buy happiness.2. The love of money is the root of all evil.3. Money can't buy you love, but it can sure buy you problems.4. The pursuit of money can lead to the neglect of what truly matters in life.5. Money may make you rich, but it can also m

Our first date quotes sayings

1. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle2. The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn3. I have found the one whom my soul loves. - Song of Solomon 3:44. I wish I could turn back the clock. I'd find you sooner and love you longer. - Unkn

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Leonard mccoy sayings

1. I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer.2. I'm a doctor, not a mechanic.3. I'm a doctor, not a magician.4. I'm a doctor, not a coal miner.5. I'm a doctor, not a psychiatrist.6. I'm a doctor, not a physicist.7. I'm a doctor, not a biologist.8. I'm a doctor, not an engineer.9. I'm a doctor,

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1. To my wonderful grandson, may your birthday be filled with joy, laughter, and all the love in the world.2. Happy birthday to the most amazing grandson! May your special day be as fantastic as you are.3. On your birthday, I want you to know how proud I am to be your grandparent. You bring so

Childhood friendship quotes and sayings in hindi

1. बचपन की दोस्ती सच्ची और निर्विवाद होती है। 2. बचपन में दोस्ती का जो रिश्ता बनता है, वो कभी नहीं टूटता। 3. बचपन की यारी, दोस्ती की प्यारी। 4. बचपन के दोस्त वो होते हैं जो हमेशा साथ रहते हैं, चाहे जिंदगी की कोई भी मुश्किल आ जाए। 5. बचपन की दोस्ती एक अनमोल खजाना है, जिसे हमेशा संभाल कर रखना

Sai baba 11 sayings in tamil

1. நீங்கள் என்னை கருணையுடன் நினைக்கும் போது, நான் உங்களை கருணையுடன் நினைக்குவேன்.2. உண்மையை சொல்லுங்கள், உண்மையாக செய்யுங்கள்.3. நீங்கள் ஒருவரை உதவுவது ஒரு விதமான பண்பு.4. நீங்கள் ஒருவரை உதவுவது அவன் உதவுவது ஒரு விதமான பண்பு.5. நீங்கள் ஒருவரை உதவுவது அவன் உதவுவது ஒரு விதமான பண்பு.6. உங்கள் மனதில் அன

It's been hotter than sayings

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Can't sleep sayings

1. Sleep is the best meditation. - Dalai Lama2. The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep. - W.C. Fields3. Your future depends on your dreams, so go to sleep. - Mesut Barazany4. The night is the hardest time to be alive and 4am knows all my secrets. - Poppy Z. Brite5. I love sleep